Your First Visit

To insure that your visit to our office is a pleasant one, here are the procedures you can expect during your first and second visits. (The first visit should take approximately an hour and 15 minutes, the second visit approximately 40 minutes and the following visits approximately 8-10 minutes.) We fully embrace that you do not live to get adjusted, but get adjusted to live!

First Visit

Complete the health history form (and some administrative paperwork) to help us better get to know you. Also, this information will help Dr. Mike formulate his recommendations for your personal care plan. Read and sign the Terms of Acceptance in appropriate places.

You will meet with Dr. Mike to review your health history. Dr. Mike will determine if yours is a chiropractic case and explain how you may benefit from chiropractic.

This is a chiropractic examination. We will not probe, prod or prick you. However we will palpate your spine, ask you to go through various ranges of motion, and check your skeletal structure and nerve related functions.

Necessary views of your spine may be taken to visualize the location of spinal problems, reveal any pathology (disease process), and make your chiropractic care more precise. By using x-rays, we have a tool to visualize the problem: we don't want to guess about your health. (We do not routinely x-ray children.)

Second Visit

Report Of Findings:
On your second visit to our office you will first see a short video (approximately 10 mi
nutes) that will allow you to better understand your report of findings.Dr. Mike will then review with you your report of findings, and your x-rays, and then outline a care plan that is designed specifically for YOU! We ask that you bring your spouse or loved ones along so that they can hear your findings.

You will be checked for vertebral subluxation and if subluxations are present, will be given a specific chiropractic adjustment by Dr. Mike. We will explain and demonstrate everyt
hing we do. It is our goal to become active partners with you in your health and wellness. We know there are many places you can go for your health and wellness care and we thank you for choosing Tannenbaum Chiropractic.

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