Forward Head Carriage

Blog post #280 from Ann Arbor, Michigan, chiropractor Mike Tannenbaum, D.C., of Tannenbaum Chiropractic, LLC: Forward Head Carriage

Forward head carriage (FHC) is a common postural issue that I see every day in my Ann Arbor chiropractic office. FHC is present when your head is positioned with your ears forward of the top of your shoulders. FHC is an incorrect or poor posture. Correct posture requires your head to be positioned above your shoulders. FHC can cause neck pain, upper back pain, increased/more pronounced degeneration of neck bones, neck and upper back muscle tightness, and headaches — among many other health issues.

Some causes of FHC include incorrect computer monitor ergonomics and holding your phone in a position that requires you lean your head forward. FHC is also caused by physical trauma, such as a whiplash-type accident. This can be the result of a car accident, or of physical contact when playing sports that cause “whipping” of the neck forward and backwards, for example.

Chiropractic treatment can help people reduce or eliminate FHC. The course of treatment a chiropractor provides for FHC depends in part on the severity of the FHC. For more severe cases where tendons, bones, and possibly muscles have been damaged, a more complex treatment will usually be needed, rather than, for example, a condition where only muscle tension and bone misalignment are involved. Either way, chiropractic can help improve FHC.

If you have any questions about this blog post, chiropractic, back pain, neck pain, or headaches, I can be reached at my Ann Arbor chiropractic office at [email protected].

The information presented in this blog post is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical or healthcare advice.

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