Neck Pain...Other Reasons To Get Chiropractic Treatment For Your Neck

From the desk of Michael Tannenbuam, D.C., Chiropractor in Ann Arbor.

Misaligned spinal bones of the neck often result in nerve or nerve root irritation in the neck region. This nerve irritation may cause neck and upper back pain, neck and upper back muscle tightness and possibly, tingling and/or numbness in the arms, hands and fingers. Another issue of neck bone misalignment pertains to degeneration of the neck bones. If the neck muscles become tight due to misaligned neck bones, then bones of the neck will likely degenerate more rapidly and in a more pronounced fashion then if the neck bones where in proper alignment. This has to do with bone growth at a cellular level. Also, this degeneration may occur faster then bones out of place in other parts of the body because of the weight of the head on top of the neck bones (which is about the weight of a bowling ball!). So, the bottom line is that you should visit a Chiropractor to have the bones of your neck (and the bones in the rest of your spine) checked for misalignment.

If you have any questions about this blog post or chiropractic in general please contact me at my Ann Arbor office at my [email protected]

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