B.J. Palmer's Principle 9

From the desk of Ann Arbor chiropractor, Michael Tannenbaum, D.C.

Here is another analysis of one of B.J. Palmer's principles of chiropractic. B.J. Is the son of the founder of chiropractic, D.D. Palmer.

Principle 11

The forces of Universal Intelligence are manifested by physical laws; are unswerving and unadapted, and have no solicitude for the structures in which they work.

I believe Palmer is implying here that there is an intelligence (I don't think he's implying a religious intelligence) of nature that could be said is at the top of the intelligence hierarchy. The intelligence that overseas everything, the intelligence of all the universe. For example, this intelligence produces gravity, pressure, all physical and natural laws things proven and possibly unproven, seen or unseen, known or unknown that affect everything in the universe. This universal intelligence, Palmer is implying, is the basic building blocks of all creation, all nature. I believe Palmer would say that this intelligence is always there. We can not manipulate it. This universal intelligence affects everything equally relative to it's material make up. I also think Palmer would believe that we need to take into account this universal intelligence when we perform health care procedures. Be it the actual performance of the procedure to how the universal intelligence affects the body after the procedure. I think Palmer would also say that we need to take into account this intelligence in the day to day health maintenance of our bodies. He might ask how does this universal intelligence play a part in causing back pain, neck pain or headaches and how can we work with the universal intelligence to stop back pain, neck pain and headaches.

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