What Can Chiropractic Help With Besides Neck Pain, Back Pain and Headaches?

Another blog post from Ann Arbor chiropractor Mike Tannenbaum, D.C.

When it comes to chiropractic care, most people associate it with treating back pain, neck pain, and headaches, however, at my Ann Arbor chiropractic office, I let my patients know that chiropractic has been shown to help treat other conditions as well. Listed below are some conditions most would not expect chiropractic to help with.

  1. Digestive Issues:

Chiropractic adjustments can have a positive impact on digestive health. Misalignments in the spine can disrupt the nerve signals that control digestion, leading to issues such as acid reflux, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). By realigning the spine, chiropractors can restore proper nerve function, allowing the digestive system to function optimally and potentially alleviating these digestive issues.

  1. Allergies and Asthma:

Chiropractic care may help alleviate symptoms associated with allergies and asthma. Spinal misalignments can affect the functioning of the respiratory system and weaken the body's ability to adapt to environmental triggers. Through adjustments, chiropractors aim to restore proper nerve communication and enhance the body's overall immune response, potentially reducing the severity and frequency of allergy and asthma symptoms.

  1. Stress and Anxiety:

 Misalignments in the spine can interfere with the proper functioning of the nervous system, leading to increased stress and anxiety levels. By improving spinal alignment, chiropractors can help restore the balance within the nervous system, potentially reducing stress and anxiety symptoms and promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.

  1. Sleep Disorders:

Sleep disorders, such as insomnia and sleep apnea, can have a significant impact on overall health and well-being. Chiropractic care can help address the underlying factors contributing to sleep disturbances. By optimizing spinal alignment, chiropractors may improve nerve function, reduce muscle tension, and promote relaxation, potentially aiding in achieving better sleep quality and duration.

  1. Immune Function:

The nervous system and immune system are closely interconnected. Chiropractic care aims to enhance overall nervous system function, which may positively impact immune system function. By removing nerve interference through spinal adjustments, chiropractors help optimize the body's ability to fight off infections, reduce inflammation, and promote a stronger immune response.


I let my Ann Arbor chiropractic patients know chiropractic care extends beyond traditional musculoskeletal issues and offers unexpected benefits for various health conditions. From improving digestion and alleviating allergies to reducing stress, enhancing sleep, and supporting immune function, chiropractic care showcases its holistic approach to health and well-being and if you know anyone who is experiencing any of these health conditions, have them consult our Ann Arbor chiropractic office.

If you have any questions about this blog post chiropractic, neck pain, back pain or headaches I can reached at my Ann Arbor chiropractic office at [email protected].

This blog post is for information only and is not considered medical advice.

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