Chiropractors and Foot Pain

From The desk of Ann Arbor Chiropractor, Mike Tannenbaum, D.C.

Most people don't think of chiropractic as a way to help them get rid of foot pain. Well, my experience as a Chiropractor suggests that chiropractic can be very helpful in treating foot pain. I have successfully treated numerous individuals with foot pain.

Having 26 bones and many joints between the bones, feet are complicated and prone to bone and joint misalignment which can cause foot pain. When Chiropractors treat foot pain we proceed much the same way as if we were treating back pain or neck pain. We examine the foot for bone misalignment (which often appears as a bump in the wrong place on the foot), pain, tenderness, swelling, range of motion etc,. Once diagnosing the problem the Chiropractor will almost always adjust any misalignment of bones found in the foot.

Also, with the foot pain patient, Chiropractors generally examine the rest of the individuals body for bone misalignment. As Chiropractors we realize that any bone in the body that are misaligned can cause of the foot pain. In other words, misalignment in the body can throw the body structure off such that it will cause incorrect pressure on the feet thus causing them to hurt. So, in turn, by realigning the bones in the body we are able to stop the foot pain.

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