Philosophical Aspects of Chiropractic Not Only Back and Neck Pain

In this blog post I will continue my analysis of B.J. Plamer's 33 principles of chiropractic. Here I'll discuss Principle 5. Principle 5 is a direct offshoot of Principle 4 discussed in my previous post. By the way, B.J. Palmer is the son of the founder of Chiropractic, D.D. Palmer. B.J. had a huge influence on bringing chiropractic to the masses, not only through research teaching and marketing of chiropractic, but by his strong sense of the philosophical principles of chiropractic (and life in general) that he espoused.

Principle 5

In order to have 100% Life, there must be 100%

Intelligence, 100% Force, 100% Matter.

As we discussed in the last blog, per Principle 4, you must have intelligence and matter to have life. In addition, we discussed that you need a third component, force, to combine the intelligence and matter to actually make life. In Principle 5 Palmer is taking this a step further. Here he is saying that you can not have a perfectly healthy (100%) life unless the intelligence, matter and force that make it up is functioning at 100%. Another way to look at this is that if any of these components of life aren’t at 100% you would be sick. This idea is very important for chiropractors. Because what we are attempting to do as chiropractors is to make sure the information produced by the brain, intelligence and force (electrical nerve impulses), is getting to the body (matter) with out interference. That is, it gets to the body at 100% of it's capacity thus allowing the body to function as close to 100% health as possible. As a side note, there is nothing chiropractic can do if your missing an organ (which is part of the matter that makes up the body), but chiropractors can attempt to make sure information is getting from the brain to the body does so with as little interference as possible thus allowing the body to function as close to 100% health as possible.

If you have any questions about this blog post, chiropractic, back pain, neck pain, or headaches feel free to email me at my Ann Arbor office at [email protected].

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