Tips For Better Nutrition/Better Health

Tips for Better Nutrition/Better Health

1. Eat breakfast. Studies show that those that don't eat breakfast are more likely to be to have high blood sugar and to be overweight.
2. Make sure to eat plenty of vegetables and fruit. There are many health benefits to doing this, such as  helping reduce or maintain weight, good joint and bone health, good mental health,good for the digestive system, and helps reduce the chances of cancer.
3. Monitor your stress as stress often makes people make bad food choices. If stressed work hard to make sure to maintain a healthful diet.
4. Cook larger amounts of healthful food with the idea of making more then one meal at a time. This should allow you to have leftovers of the healthy food you can eat at various meals instead of eating unhealthful food.
5.Replace sugary drinks or diet drinks with water. Of course, drink plenty of water as water is essential for proper functioning of the body
6. Consume nutrient packed foods. Just because a food is low in calories doesn't mean it's good for you.  Fruits and vegetables are generally nutrient packed foods.
7. Eat small frequent meals. When going longer than 3 hours cortisol levels rise and this signals the body to store fat.
If you have any questions about this blog post, chiropractic, back or neck pain or headaches I can be contacted at my Ann Arbor office at [email protected].

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