Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Or Not Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Ann Arbor chiropractor Mike Tannenbaum, D.C. with another blog post: Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Or Not Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


Do some of the fingers on your hand(s) go numb? Are you getting sharp shooting pains in your hands and fingers? Many times when people have these symptoms they are diagnosed or self diagnose their self as having carpel tunnel syndrome. But, is this the correct diagnosis? Often it’s not.

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is caused by the pinching or compression of the median nerve in the wrist where the wrist bones (carpel bones) reside at a point called the carpel tunnel. The median nerve innervates the palm of the hand and the first three fingers. When the median nerve is pinched at the carpel tunnel it can cause hand and finger pain and numbness. The issue here is that these symptoms can be caused by a variety of other things, but instead are often misdiagnosed as carpel tunnel syndrome. Pain or tingling and numbness in hands or fingers do not necessarily indicate compression of the median nerve in the carpel tunnel area (carpel tunnel syndrome). Instead, nerve compression elsewhere might cause these symptoms. These symptoms could come from, for example, compression of nerves in the neck or sometimes from muscle adhesions in the arm that the median nerve runs through.


Furthermore, if you have carpel tunnel like symptoms you should visit a chiropractor. Chiropractors are trained to treat most of these problems. At my chiropractic office in Ann Arbor, we successfully diagnose and treat people with numbness and pain in the finger and hands.

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