Chiropractic Adjustments

Another blog post from Ann Arbor chiropractor Mike Tannenbaum, D.C.: Chiropractic Adjustments 


Im often asked by my Ann Arbor chiropractic patients, “What is a chiropractic adjustment actually doing or attempting to accomplish?  


The answer to this question can be very complex. To delve into the physiological science behind a chiropractic adjustment would require many pages of writing to explain. I’ve found my Ann Arbor chiropractic patients generally want just a basic explanation, so this is the “short version.”  


What is a Chiropractic Adjustment? 

It is a relatively gentle health and wellness treatment to help assure proper bone joint alignment – often of the spinal column joints. Proper joint alignment resultin decreased pain, increased range of motion, and decreased muscle tightness in the targeted areas. For example, a specific adjustment may help remove neck, back, or pelvis pain and muscle tightness. Also, chiropractic adjustments work to improve the overall health of the body, allowing the body to function closer to 100% of its potential. 


What is the Popping Noise That Sometimes Happens When Getting a Chiropractic Adjustment? 

The popping noise sometimes heard when getting an adjustment is gas (carbon dioxide, nitrogen, or oxygen) being released from an area within the joint cavity. Producing a popping noise does not increase or decrease the effectiveness of the chiropractic adjustment. 


Feeling Better After Getting an Adjustment?  

The chiropractic adjustment does a lot of good physiologically by removing nerve interference to your body’s functioning. Simply put, though, the adjustment assists with increased joint movement and reduced pain. However, even though you might feel better after just one adjustment, it is important to follow through with your treatment care plan, as it often takes several adjustments to make sure that the joints stay properly aligned. When the joints stay properly aligned, it more likely that youll remain out of pain. 


Potential Soreness After an Adjustment? 

Occasionally after getting a chiropractic adjustment, you may have mild soreness, akin to the muscle soreness you might feel after exercising. 


If you have any questions about this blog post, chiropractic, neck pain, back pain, or headaches, I can be reached at my Ann Arbor chiropractic office at [email protected] 

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