If Spine Is Sick Then The Body Is Sick

From The Desk of Chiropractor, Michael Tannenbaum, D.C.

For many Chiropractors the concept called the Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC) plays an important role in health. The VSC is the progressive degeneration of the spinal column that is generally caused by nerve interference and results in abnormal spinal function resulting in discomfort, pain and disability. The VSC is not only caused by nerve interference, but it causes additional nerve interference that ultimately results in abnormal body function. Simply put, the VSC causes poor nerve system function thus poor nerve system control and coordination of the body causing the bodies tissues, organs and systems to get sick.

Now, correction of the VSC results in better spinal function. In other words, better function of the spinal muscles, ligaments, joints, and cartilage/discs. Not only will this help with posture and gait, but will improve nerve system function which will result in improvement in the function of the organs, tissues and systems of the body. This of course, will improve the bodies over all health and ultimately allowing the body to function as close to %100 as possible. If the nerve interference is reduced then the spinal column degeneration is slowed. Chiropractors attempt to slow or stop the progression of the VSC and this is done by reducing or eliminating nerve interference caused by spinal bone misalignment.

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