Exercise For Heart Health

Regular moderate exercise has been shown to reduce the chance of getting heart disease and having a stroke and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) has estimated that 60% of Americans do not get the recommended amount of physical activity, which is 30 minuets of moderate exercise every day. Thus, a lot of people that could be preventing heart disease and stroke by exercising regularly are not doing so. It's not very hard to achieve the moderate exercise levels recommended by the CDCP.

-Here are some fairly simple ways to accomplish the CDCP's recommendation.

-Park further away from your destination so that you have to walk part of the way to the destination.

-Make sure you do the physical labor around your house instead of hiring someone to do it for you.

-Bike or walk instead of driving.

-Go for short walks possibly before or after dinner or at your lunch break.

-Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

-Walk around while talking on the phone.

-Join a gym that's near your place of work so that it's relatively convenient to incorporate a gym work out before or after work.

-Exercise at home while watching TV (or not watching TV).

If you have any questions about this blog , back pain, neck pain or headaches please feel free to contact me at my Ann Arbor office at [email protected].

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