Maintaining a Exercise Regimen

~~People of Ann Arbor, where I have my chiropractic practice, tend to pay more attention to their health and physical fitness then the average person in the U.S. However, even these Ann Arborites, who tend to be so health conscious, ask me how to maintain a regular  exercise routine. The suggestions I give at my Ann Arbor office and as a chiropractor are as follows.
-Planning is vitally important. You must plan/schedule regular times to work out. Don't rely on working out on a whim as  you won't work out consistently enough. Plus, you won't find enough times to work out if you work out just “when ever”.
-It's important to understand why you are working out. You need to have a sense of what your trying to accomplish. This can be done by setting goals, such as, for weight loss, heart rate level or can be for less tangible things like improved mental and social well being. But the bottom line is you must have reason(s) for working out.
-Surround yourself with motivational tools. Here mostly, you want to post on walls, computer, etc,. the reason(s) for which you are working out and motivational sayings related to working out and staying fit and healthy.
-Give yourself short and long-term challenges. For example, challenge yourself to run that extra quarter mile, to doing an extra 10 seconds of a plank exercise or swim that extra lap and once you've met that challenge congratulate yourself on a job well done.
-Do the exercises you find to be fun or at least somewhat satisfying to accomplish. If you don't like running, but like a particular sport that requires consistent cardiovascular exercise, like basketball or tennis, do those instead. Possibly bike ride or cross country ski instead of using the elliptical trainer. As long as your getting consistent cardiovascular and exercising most parts of your body, the way you accomplish it doesn't matter so much.
-Try to avoid giving into temptations that are bad for your health or that keep you from reaching your health goals. Keep these things in mind so that when the temptations arise you have a sense that they are a problem and should be avoided.

If you have a question re: back pain, neck pain, headaches, chiropractic or this blog, I can be reached at [email protected].

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